Saturday, July 30, 2011


Thou art a mirror ball my conscience,
I gaze at thee and see my face,
yet through thine eyes I am distorted,
with naught to gain but more disgrace
Take my soul beneath thy sunrise
to look upon what thou dost see,
through thine eyes, all is misshapen,
a shadow of what stands to be.
My conscience thou art sharp and hardened,
to shattered thee, like breaking glass,
I must be wary of thy safety,
lest I let thy visions pass.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Confessions of a confused citizen

How would I know what I believe is true

if opinions were all I’m holding to

and the wind of my words just whistled through

the empty rooms inside.

Consistency eloped with truth,

and married her to give us proof

that neither one can stand aloof

a bond you can’t divide

If I didn’t think what I said was true

I wouldn’t say it.

If I thought my hose was full of gasoline

I wouldn’t spray it.

And you’re sitting here telling me the truth I knows a lie

when yours is contradictorily stranded high and dry

If everything you’re trying to tell me now is even true

I shouldn’t take the time to even try believing you.