Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Silent Screams

Stillness pressing in on me,
straining for a sound,
cowering beneath an empty sky,
upon the barren ground.
Then a rush like shadow feet,
running through the skies,
I turn my head toward the east,
and lift my clouded eyes.
Thick blackness rolling in on me,
clouds in anger born,
roaring like a raging sea,
You ride upon the storm.
Your burning eyes scorching the air,
lighting in your hand,
driving the storm across the ocean,
overtaking where I stand.
Crashing noise and screaming wind,
upon my knees I fall,
rain and waves are drowning me,
no air to breathe at all.
My dying soul screams out your name,
pleading a faint cry,
save me from this no escape,
don't let my body die!
Suddenly I'm lifted up,
the rain is red like blood,
then the sun breaks through the clouds,
and sweeps away the flood.
All sound ceases, light increases,
and trembling I stand,
you open up my fearful eyes,
and hold out a strong scarred hand.
My unbelieving heart is broken,
and I hold it out to you,
you take it from me as a token,
of my love for you.
Then you're gone,
I stand alone, again beside the sea,
a gentle breezes soft clear voice,
tells of your love for me.
Now I dance inside the storm,
and listen for your voice,
you always hear my silent screams,
through the chaos and the noise.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now am found,
was blind, but now I see...I see your face!
Amazing grace! Amazing grace! I see your face!

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