Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ocean Eyes

The blazing sun glints off the snow,
an ocean of crystals dazzle my eyes,
tears rain down my cheeks like stars
traversing through the midnight skies.

My misty breath floats in the light,
It glimmers like a shining knight
neath’ a canopy of blue and white,
then rapidly it fades from sight
into the silver sun.

Yet though this love is beautiful,
I’m frozen stiff before its face,
my salty tears have turned to ice,
my very life it would erase.

My lips are frozen still and blue,
a glaze of ice I can’t see through,
winters love is proved untrue
and breathlessly I turn to you
stretching out my hands.

Cruel love leaves a bitter taste
who can stand before this cold?
You take me underneath your wing,
and faithfully, my heart you hold.

Though winters knocking at my door,
her faithless beauty I abhor,
her endless pleading I ignore,
but ‘your’ voice I’ll love forever more,
I hide you in my heart.

Every day when God looks down,
I call him to my soul,
and thank him for your treasured life
for he is in control.

I blossom in your warm embrace,
and look into your joyful face,
I’m lost somewhere in time and space,
as our fingers interlace,
you light my eyes with wonder.

Gods blazing love and cherished grace
glint through your ocean eyes,
and tears rain down my cheeks like stars
traversing through the midnight skies.


Jesus is Lord!