Sunday, January 17, 2010

Soldiers Thoughts

I long to go where wind won't blow,
where silence rains like dust,
where old decay will rot away,
and beauty turns to rust.
Underground they sleep so sound
upon their beds of earth,
the dead sleep on though all around,
the world weeps for all she's worth.
The soldiers life is hard to live
and no one thinks about
all the tears, fears, pain and dread
we could have lived without.
We try to win the battles,
bring the dead back home,
drag the wounded men away
and listen to them moan.
We wonder what it would be like
to be found among the dead,
upon the bloody fields of war
with a bullet through your head.
And upon that burning field,
the battle raging on,
your friends would slowly realize your dead,
you've passed, you're gone.
But you, your eyes would never see,
the noise would all have died,
you would never hear again
though cannons choke the sky.
And you would never even know,
who, or what went wrong,
you'd only be another man,
undoubtedly passed on.

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