Wednesday, December 9, 2009


You wonder why I cry at night when I’m all on my own,
You’ve seen the tears fall from my eyes when I think I’m alone,
The world is closing in around me, my walls are fading fast,
my joy is fleeing, wounded and bleeding, broken at last,
on this road I travel, the stones and gravel, have ripped me in two.

The night’s the only time I have to live in my own world,
where I can pick through all my broken dreams that you’ve hurled,
and fondle all the friends I love, and left so far away,
and talk to them inside my head until the break of day,
when I wake they leave me, they cannot perceive me, they’re gone.

I’m trapped within these caging walls for long hours on end,
I know it’s probably worth it for the blessing that you send.
You want me to smile for you once again it would seem,
but how can I be happy, living out someone else’s dream,
with miles of endless faces and hours of endless places passing me by.

And though I’m miles and days away from where I want to be,
The thing that keeps me singing is my vivid memory,
and the knowledge of when it’s over and all the seeds are sown,
I’ll be traveling the road again, my destination, home,
where my heart always has been, though the passage in between, was great.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Living Light

Beyond the world of endless skies,
beneath the beating heart of earth,
behind the raging, roaring sea,
within the man of little worth,
a fire that cannot be quenched,
is burning in the shadowed mist,
glowing with electric power,
without it nothing could exist.
Its light unveils hopes and dreams,
its strength binds winds and acid rain,
its fury builds passion up within,
its warmth keeps all our hearts aflame.
Within its glow our faces shine,
against its rage no man can stand,
before its beauty none prevail,
many souls will bare its brand.
Eyes shut tight against the light,
man walks through the stinging smoke,
through the burning city he has made,
breathing dust until he choke.
His blindness is his only pride,
he clings onto his crumbling walls,
to keep the fire from his soul,
until his dusty city falls.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pocket of Hope

The music is calling, is drawing you home,
but your feet cannot dance when you're lost and alone,
the spirit you had is smothered and crushed,
your heart's beaten, broken and down in the dust.
The place where you are, I've been there before,
the darkness inside you is hard to ignore,
like cruel cold water it drags out your breath,
instead of drawing in life your breathing to death.
Time passes you by, but your purpose is gone,
lost in the tide, but life rushes on.
You lift up your prayers to the gates of the Lord,
but your begging and pleading all feel ignored,
your darkness is dragging you back down to earth,
but you're fighting to stay for all that you're worth.
Do you think you're abandoned, forgotten and lost,
when Christ went through fire and death at your cost?
In all your broken pride, behind your facade,
God never forgot you, but you forgot God.
The darkness around you is making you blind,
so give it all up and leave it behind,
it's pressing you back but you can withstand,
the door is wide open, so reach out your hand.
Because you can't see it, you don't think it's there,
but you've passed by it so many times, unaware.
He's showing you light, and it shines through the veil,
with him at your side I know you won't fail,
and though the darkness within is painting you black,
you have hope in your pocket, you'll find your way back.

Monday, October 5, 2009

All That Matters

The bright sun sinks below the hills
and starlight fills the sky.
Crystal raindrops shatter down
as a shadow cloud flits by.
The mystic music of the night
floats beneath the moon,
silver light casts shadows through,
the window of my room.
An electric power soft as love,
brings these scenes to life,
whispering out gentle words,
but sharper than a knife.
Before Your storm we cannot stand,
our creations left in tatters,
yet the stones cry out Your name,
for You are all that matters.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Little One

You never got to know our love,
you just weren't meant to be.
You're tiny little grave was dug,
beneath a small spruce tree.
We saw you're nearly perfect shape,
you're eyes, ears, nose, and lips,
the curves in your small arms and legs,
your tiny fingertips.
We never got to hold you,
or even know your name,
no one would ever know you,
but we loved you just the same.
The only sign you ever lived
is a tiny little mound,
beneath a tree with other graves,
were tear drops stain the ground.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ancient Potter

Hands of time have traced through life
the ancient potter shapes our souls,
he holds us as we spin around
so shapeless, weak and pitiful.
At times we seem a hopeless cause,
and we break beneath his hand,
but the wheel never ceases spinning,
he picks us up and starts again.
His patience with us never dries,
he’s bound us with his love unending,
quietly picking up the pieces
his back for us is always bending.
Hands of time have traced through life
the ancient potter shapes our souls,
he holds us as we spin around
so slender, strong and beautiful.

Red River

The fields are red, with blood,
The rivers are filled with slain,
the cities are crumbling down,
and their woman, lifeless on the plain.
Their sons lye broken and dead,
on the ground their blood was shed,
silently on the river bed,
they bled.
Some were hacked to pieces,
some were stabbed right though,
some were drowned in the rivers,
and some were trampled too.
The children lay dead in the streets,
their laughter will never be heard again,
their eyes will never see,
their clothing, bloody and stained.
These people died like dogs,
their houses burned to the ground,
because they believed in God,
and they refused to put him down.
The red river flows to the sea,
washing away the debris,
carrying with it the blood of the daughters and sons,
of liberty.
None of them will ever wake,
Not a one of them can rise,
what will be done to the men,
who dared to take their lives?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Silent Screams

Stillness pressing in on me,
straining for a sound,
cowering beneath an empty sky,
upon the barren ground.
Then a rush like shadow feet,
running through the skies,
I turn my head toward the east,
and lift my clouded eyes.
Thick blackness rolling in on me,
clouds in anger born,
roaring like a raging sea,
You ride upon the storm.
Your burning eyes scorching the air,
lighting in your hand,
driving the storm across the ocean,
overtaking where I stand.
Crashing noise and screaming wind,
upon my knees I fall,
rain and waves are drowning me,
no air to breathe at all.
My dying soul screams out your name,
pleading a faint cry,
save me from this no escape,
don't let my body die!
Suddenly I'm lifted up,
the rain is red like blood,
then the sun breaks through the clouds,
and sweeps away the flood.
All sound ceases, light increases,
and trembling I stand,
you open up my fearful eyes,
and hold out a strong scarred hand.
My unbelieving heart is broken,
and I hold it out to you,
you take it from me as a token,
of my love for you.
Then you're gone,
I stand alone, again beside the sea,
a gentle breezes soft clear voice,
tells of your love for me.
Now I dance inside the storm,
and listen for your voice,
you always hear my silent screams,
through the chaos and the noise.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now am found,
was blind, but now I see...I see your face!
Amazing grace! Amazing grace! I see your face!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Written Dance

Feel the solid freedom, as you’re gently reeled in,
hold on with your fingertips, and do a quickstep spin.
dancing in a rhythm, as you hear the music play,
moving with the motions that you wanna hold all day,
confined yet wild freedom, has gripped you by the hand,
your flying on your feet, to rockin’ robins sweet demand,
holding conversation as if this were just a stroll,
says dancing’s written on your heart, and also in your soul

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No Peace On Earth

Tombstone after tombstone,
pass by me on my right,
children dressed like demons
wander through the night.
Skeletons like living dead
scream as they pass by,
things designed to fill with dread,
make small children cry.
And as our endless sin gives birth,
we ask why there's no peace on earth.
Children under clean white sheets
float beneath the lights,
begging at the door for treats
from witches dressed in tights.
Crimson blood stains on her face,
ashes on his breath,
Satan laughs at our embrace
as we celebrate earths death
And as our endless sin gives birth
we ask why there's no peace on earth
nothing follows but disaster
when the devil is your master.
Shattered eggs and broken glass,
spray paint on our walls,
we watch in horror once again
as the world trips and falls.
And in our brokenness we cry
we just don't understand
why our loved ones have to die
when we leave our walls unmanned.
And as our endless sin gives birth
we cry out for some peace on earth,
but if we don't know Jesus saves,
we're out there digging our own graves,
can't you hear the devils laughter,
when the world calls him master?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Daydreamers Hero

I always was a daydreamer,
I think I always will,
always dreamed I was a hero,
It gave me such a thrill.
in the presents of all heaven,
I used sit back in my pew,
scheme of climbing to the ceiling
And dream of all that I would do…

And when the soldier with the gun,
would come to cause disaster,
I’d swing down from the rafters,
take the shot for everyone.
And when the people would come running,
they’d see me lying there,
they’d throw their hands up in the air,
when they saw what I had done.

And my friends would all stand by,
and they’d hold my dying hand,
I’d tell them that I loved them,
and they’d say they understand.
Then the angels would come down,
and they’d carry me away,
and I’d see the people cry
as they laid flowers on my grave.

One day while I was dreaming,
Napping in my pew,
When daydreaming had failed me,
I gave the sermon my adieu,
In the distance I heard the pastors drone,
As I sat in empty light,
In the center was a radio
Surrounded by bright white,

A little voice inside my head,
said “Turn the volume high,”
I looked at the little radio,
and a knoby caught my eye,
As I turn the little knob,
The light faded away
The pastors voice got louder still,
And from that very day,

I’ve heard about my hero,
spoken loud and clear,
how he lived and died the sacrifice,
through punishment severe,
bearing all my sins to hell,
taking all the blame
how he alone defeat the grave,
Unmarred by any flame.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Winter Heart

How can you be so sad,
while the sun is smiling,
why do dark clouds march across your eyes?
I see a barren desert land,
behind eyes so beguiling,
they cover up your naked heart with lies.

Do you feel forsaken
in a world so far apart
from the cold undying rhythm,
of your frozen winter heart?

Can’t you smell the lilies,
and the lilac in the spring,
why does the weeping willow make you cry?
Don’t you love the bleeding hearts,
or the freshness of the rain,
why do roses make you want to die?

Do you feel forsaken
in a world so far apart,
from the cold undying rhythm,
of your frozen winter heart?

Shadows creep across your face,
your sun is sinking low,
does a lonely tear fall from you eye?
you could see a better day,
though your heart beats slow,
just reach for the Lord your God most high.

Do you feel forsaken
in a world so far apart,
from the cold undying rhythm,
of your frozen winter heart?

Leave your sorrows, leave your fears
in a world so far apart,
they will not corrupt the beating,
of your whole, unbroken heart.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fallen Tears

I'm sitting neath the golden sun,
beneath the clear blue sky,
on a soft green grassy lawn,
watching bees fly by,
and far away across the sea,
children die alone,
begging for a crust of bread,
or yearning for a home,
yet on the streets here just downtown,
men laze everywhere,
beneath each roof, each alleyway,
every flight of stairs.
A gentle breeze plays across my face,
and whispers quietly,
of butterflys and sunny skies,
and sparkling deep green seas.
And far across the ocean,
innocent voices cry aloud,
tears stream down each dusty face,
in the weeping croud.
Here, deep within their prison cells,
men who've done great wrong,
will spend their short lives all alone,
until their dead and gone.
My hair curls soft against my cheek,
and I smile at its touch,
and watch the little children play
house and tag and such.
And far across the water,
people gather round,
to praise their God and sing his laud,
in their church beneath the ground,
but all around this city,
no one praises God,
unless it's the first day of the week,
we withold our laud.
I stretch myself beneath the blue,
and close my green brown eyes,
listening to the sound of the wind,
and brushing away the flies.
And somewhere not to far from here,
a babies put to death,
before he could even open his eyes,
or take his first deep breath,
and far across the blue expanse
a mother and a wife,
throws herself before a gun,
to save her babies life...
And while I lay beneath the sky,
basking in the sun,
God is listening to his little children
crying out as one.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Meaningless (the lament of the athiests wife)

dusk settles on your sun browned hands, washing them from sight,
eyes stormy gray and ocean blue, gleam in the failing light,
your chest is still, and not a single breath escapes your lips,
frequently the breeze will stir you with her fingertips,
the shadows playing with your features bring you back to life,
It seems that you are smiling, for a moment it's alright,
they creep away and leave you dead, a corpse, so still, so warm,
and all my love and all my life, lie empty in my arms,
the heart I poured my life into, no longer beats for me,
the hands you poured your soul into hold naught but memories.
Time has stopped for you forever, yet still drags me along,
my life is empty, meaningless, with you forever gone.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Every day she comes to you
and kneels by the stone,
the cold hard stone that marks the place,
where you sleep alone.
she brushes snow from off your grave,
and lays a soft red rose,
at the foot of your frozen bed
were the chill wind blows.
So soft it's petals shun the sky,
the blackened sky of dread,
so beautiful and yet, so shy,
it lingers on your bed,
it's crimson fragrance bleeds so soft,
upon the gray and brown,
even in the winters chill,
the color lights the ground
Tears of crystal shine like stars
upon its crimson lips,
set alight and glowing bright,
by the dancing moon eclipse.
standing up she walks away,
her foot falls becoming slow,
she turns and her eyes alight upon
her footprints in the snow.
and were upon her feet did tread,
the ground is set a glow,
with beautiful flowers of crimson red,
pushing through the crystal snow.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chasm Between

In-the-chasm between life and death,
a thousand souls lay dying,
many have not long to live,
Some given up from trying.
A thousand souls of children who
are taking their last breath,
and passing through the narrow gap,
Between life and death.
While we live in luxury,
children breathe they’re last,
for we did not look out our doors,
or see our stark contrast.
We did not realize their need,
though we saw it everywhere,
TV showed the children pleading,
for our love that wasn’t there.
Silently they’re passing on,
without a helping hand,
how many strong words will it take,
to help us understand?
I heard about a long lost bridge,
a bridge across forever,
and we’ll find it when our life is done,
the connection here will sever.
And when we reach the other side,
and the bell tolls judgment day,
when we stand before our Lord and King,
will we hear Him say,
“Depart from me, you cursed, into eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels,
For I was hungry and you gave me no food,
I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,
I was a stranger and you did not welcome me,
Naked and you did not clothe me,
Sick and in prison and did not visit me.”

Then they will also answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry
Or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison
And did not minister to you?’ Then he will answer them saying,
“Truly I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these,
You did not do it to me.”
And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous
Into eternal life.

Matthew 25: 41-46

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Legend Of The Rose

Beneath a sky of amber red,
a weary maiden made her bed,
amongst the beautiful flowers
in a lonely meadows arms.
Like mist of jade, her dress was made,
material that would not fade,
amongst the beautiful flowers
in a lonely meadows arms.
Her lashes long, her body strong,
but this fair maid did not belong,
amongst the beautiful flowers
in a lonely meadows arms.
Her hair like waves fell down her back,
across her brow, a sea of black,
amongst the beautiful flowers
in a lonely meadows arms.
With sea green eyes she looked around,
then sat herself upon the ground,
amongst the beautiful flowers
in a lonely meadows arms.
She sang a song with heavy heart,
of how her love was torn apart,
amongst the beautiful flowers
in a lonely meadows arms.
Hidden in the shadowed trees,
a hateful man knelt on his knees
anger burned his very marrow,
as he drew a feathered arrow.
He listened to yon maiden sing,
as he fit it to the string,
his expression dark and grim,
for he knew she sung of him.
He let his feathered arrow fly,
and hit her just above the thigh.
His anger would now be appeased,
and he left the meadow feeling pleased.
Fearlessly the maid looked down,
and watched her blood soak through her gown,
and stain the beautiful flowers
in the lonely meadows arms.
Upon the ground she lay her head,
and knew the one who pierced her fled
from amongst the beautiful flowers,
in the lonely meadows arms.
One crystal tear was all she cried,
then this fair young maiden died,
amongst the beautiful flowers
in the lonely meadows arms.
Never was her body found,
though she was looked for all around
amongst the beautiful flowers,
in the lonely meadows arms.
Only the crimson flower knows,
her memory lingers in the rose,
they grow amongst the flowers,
in the lonely meadows arms.
They are her blood, her memory,
farther than the eye can see,
the most beautiful flowers
in the lonely meadows arms.
They grow in grace, to hide her face,
her wondrous beauty they embrace,
amongst the fading flowers,
in the lonely meadows arms.
Her endless sorrow well compose,
amongst her graceful crimson rose.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Gold and gray, the clouds of even spill across the sky,
much lighter that the content of my heart,
I search for You within myself and find I have run dry,
for where I am it seems that You are not.
Wind tumbles across the dancing fields in its haste to no where,
And I’m tripping right along and close behind,
On this wild goose chase I feel I lost you somewhere,
Back within a corner of my mind.
An storm, untamed, unchecked, and strong, wildly draws nigh,
Entwining me in its cruel, cold embrace,
I’m on my knees and screaming for you not to let me die,
Fighting for a peaceful open space.
Its fury feels like a monster snapping closed its jaws,
It’s wild eyes so cruel and so keen,
It throws me down and crushes me beneath its jagged paws,
The raging storm has overtaken me.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Scattered Dreams

Thin walls surround my scattered dreams,
Enclosing them, and building them,
But just before they reach their height,
The wind again, to shatter them.
So weary bend my back again,
Enclosing them, and building them,
Then the strong wind comes again,
I sadly watch them fall again,
To weak to build the wall again,
To dust they turn, they blow away
In years I will recall again,
The battered dreams of yesterday.